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PDI 10% USP Povidone Iodine Prep Solution Swabsticks, 4" L by Nice Pak Products - Box of 50
PDI 10% USP Povidone Iodine Prep Solution Swabsticks. Features: Wood-Cotton Tip, Single-Use, Non-Irritating, Non-Sterile Product Specifications: Non-irritating and virtually non-stinging. PVP Iodine provides longer germicidal activity than ordinary Iodine solutions....
Sani-Cloth AF3 Surface Disinfectant Cleaner Premoistened Germicidal
Manual Pull Wipe 160 Count Canister Disposable Mild Scent NonSterile 6" x 6-3/4" Large - Package of 160. Featured Product: Pdi Sani-cloth Plus Germicidal Disposable WipesEffective against 45 microorganisms in...