How do I check the status of my order?
You must log into your account and once you are in your dashboard click on My Orders to view the status of your orders.
How do I cancel or edit my order?
Keep in mind that once an order has started the processing phase or has shipped, it is no longer editable. Please call our customer service department at 888-444-6741 so we can assist you in any cancellation or editing procedure.
How do I track my order?
As soon as the tracking information is available, we will send it to the email you have on file. You will be able to track the order through the carrier's website. You may also visit our Orders & Returns Tab where you can track your order yourself. If you require more assistance please take advantage of our live chat or call our customer service staff and we will be glad to track it for you as well. My order never arrived.If your order does not arrive in the time frame that you requested please contact us immediately so we can track your order with the carrier or with the warehouse. If the carrier has proof of delivery, a case will have to be opened with them to track down the package.
Where is the rest of my order?
Your order can be sent to you in different packages if you have ordered from different manufacturers and they will not necessarily reach the shipping point on the same day. Feel free to call us and confirm the status of your shipments or track it yourself with the tracking information. My product/order is missing an accessory If you detect that your product is missing a part or accessory call us immediately so we can report it to the warehouse and the situation is taken care of properly and promptly.
When will I be receiving my backorder?
When an item is on back order, our suppliers might not be able to predict when it will return to stock. As soon as it becomes available, the item will be shipped to you. If you do not desire to wait, please call customer service to find a replacement or to cancel the order.